For some time now, the Wizard Ministry had been struggling with a low number of employees. The causes are not entirely known but initial speculation suggests that increased drug use led to the dematerialization of the wizards. As a result, the few employees who remained in the Ministry had to work extreme overtime. Not every wizard was able to handle this added stress, and some of them resorted to drastic measures. Harald, however, overdid it a bit in his search for a solution and tried multiple astral projection. To the annoyance of Margarete who is now battling with the masses of residual incantations and spirits. 
At some point Margaret lost track of all the astral projections Harald had made in the last month. So it could happen that one of them appeared out of the blue. This was also problematic because they quickly learned how to spend their time in another place that was not nearby the main body. So they started roaming around the neighborhood and pestering other wizards. This circumstance can lead to precarious situations, for example, if you sit too close to a ledge or window. All it takes is a little jolt and you find yourself in the astral night forever. 
Even the bravest person has to face his inner demons at some point. Suppressing his mental pain and drowning it in addictive pursuits only makes things worse in the long-term. So the day came when Harald finally decided to talk to the astral therapist about the condition of his astral state. According to Geofrey's initial hexamagic report, the number of Harald's astral projections was exceptionally high and would require several sessions of mental merging. But to save his endless love for Margaret, there was only this one choice.

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